3D safety concepts for your fleet

Look­ing back:
The safest decision

Our 3D tech­nol­o­gy detects dynam­ic and sta­t­ic objects in the sur­round­ing area, allow­ing for ear­ly reac­tions and even an auto­mat­ic emer­gency stop.


LKW mit Rückfahrkamera System inklusive hochwertiger 3D-Technologie nachrüsten.

Keep a clear view before it’s too late.

That extra safety for disposal companies and the like.

We are pio­neers in the dig­i­tal detec­tion of haz­ards when revers­ing util­i­ty vehi­cles. We achieve this thanks to the mul­ti­di­men­sion­al com­bi­na­tion of hard­ware and soft­ware. The ViSy safe­ty assis­tant pro­vides the dri­ver with sup­port when revers­ing, turn­ing and per­form­ing oth­er work­ing procedures.

ViSy products at a glance

LKW mit Rückfahrkamera System inklusive hochwertiger 3D-Technologie nachrüsten.

The 3D underrun protection system

Das 3D-Unterlaufschutzsystem wurde speziell für Seitenlader und Müllwagen entwickelt.

The under­run pro­tec­tion sys­tem is designed specif­i­cal­ly for refuse col­lec­tion vehi­cles with lifter arms which can be par­tic­u­lar­ly haz­ardous to passers-by when lift­ing and low­er­ing garbage cans.

RAS 2.0
The 3D reversing assistant system

Das 3D Rückfahrsystem von ViSy reduziert die Gefahr beim Rückwärtsfahren. Für mehr Sicherheit im Straßenverkehr können Sie Ihre LKWs mit der praktischen Rückfahrkamera nachrüsten.

Our tech­ni­cal tool for con­sid­er­able reduc­tion of haz­ards when revers­ing. The speed which is lim­it­ed to 9 km/h, and the intu­itive sys­tem make sure the dri­ver can react in good time – or the assis­tant inter­venes into con­trol of the vehi­cle itself.

The turning assistance system 

Der Abbiegeassistent vergrößert beim Abbiegen den Sichtbereich des LKW-Fahrers.

The assis­tant expands the mon­i­tor­ing area of the vehi­cle oper­a­tor and makes sure that no objects or per­sons are over­seen in bends, when mak­ing a turn or when turn­ing the vehi­cle around.

Pre­vent acci­dents with util­i­ty vehi­cles – with ViSy

Always one look ahead of the danger

“Haz­ardous sit­u­a­tions when revers­ing which har­bor the risk of col­li­sions, are sig­nif­i­cant­ly reduced”.
– DGUV TEST / VL 21063

In par­tic­u­lar spe­cial vehi­cles, such as refuse col­lec­tion vehi­cles, sweep­ers, util­i­ty vehi­cles and trucks hold a high poten­tial for haz­ards. Turn­ing, set­ting off and mak­ing a turn — these pro­ce­dures are a major chal­lenger for spe­cial vehi­cles in every­day traf­fic on pub­lic roads.

We have made it our goal to increase safe­ty on pub­lic roads for cit­i­zens and employ­ees. That’s why we equip spe­cial vehi­cles with revers­ing sys­tems and space mon­i­tor­ing sys­tems which allow revers­ing, turn­ing and dump­ing pro­ce­dures to be imple­ment­ed more safe­ly. At the same time, we find an indi­vid­ual solu­tion for your entire fleet.

Auf dem Bild ist Managing Partner und CEO Enrico Skrypzak zu sehen.

Vision zero is our ambi­tion. We pur­sue this goal with inno­va­tion and passion.

Enri­co Skrypzak
Man­ag­ing Part­ner & CEO

ViSy wurde mit dem DGUV Testsiegel "Assistenzsystem geprüft" ausgezeichnet.

Tested and certified

Progress dri­ves in reverse

The per­son­al pro­tec­tion afford­ed by our RAS 2.0 revers­ing sys­tem has been cer­ti­fied in DGUV (Ger­man Statu­to­ry Acci­dent Insur­ance Asso­ci­a­tion) test­ing:
In areas of vehi­cles which are dif­fi­cult to see, poten­tial haz­ards are dras­ti­cal­ly reduced – and safe­ty is maximized.

The functions of our 3D rear area monitor for utility vehicles at a glance.

3D sensor technology

Pre­cise detec­tion of per­sons and objects.

A single monitor, maximum overview

We adapt dis­plays and func­tion on a sin­gle screen.

Precise object detection

We detect objects dur­ing revers­ing and eval­u­ate the haz­ard in real time.

Emergency stop

If the sys­tem detects a haz­ard and the dri­ver can no longer react, the sys­tem auto­mat­i­cal­ly pro­vides support.

Technical aid as per DGUV GS-VL 40

Test­ed and certified

Revers­ing maneu­vers with a util­i­ty vehi­cle are dan­ger­ous. The StVO (Ger­man road traf­fic reg­u­la­tions) and “UVV 43” (reg­u­la­tion 43 for the pre­ven­tion of acci­dents) describe revers­ing maneu­vers as always very crit­i­cal, stat­ing that they should be avoid­ed as far as pos­si­ble. Nev­er­the­less, seri­ous acci­dents are a fre­quent occur­rence. Usu­al­ly, it is the sig­naler who is the per­son most at risk.

The ViSy RAS 2.0 serves you as a tech­ni­cal aid when revers­ing and pro­vides dri­ving staff with active sup­port dur­ing every­day work. An offi­cial state­ment from BG-Verkehr (Ger­man Statu­to­ry Acci­dent Insur­ance Insti­tu­tion for Com­mer­cial Trans­port, Postal Logis­tics and Telecommunication)/DGUV (Ger­man Statu­to­ry Acci­dent Insur­ance Asso­ci­a­tion) in rela­tion to the options for use cer­ti­fies as much.

Discover our ViSy Web Portal.


time sav­ing

The ViSy Web Por­tal pro­vides you with a mod­ern plat­form for cap­tur­ing routes and vehi­cle data and an analy­sis func­tion for all vehi­cle data direct­ly from the workstation.

Our GPS track­ing tool trans­fers data in real time so that they can be eval­u­at­ed as required by the dispatcher.

Tip: Com­pared to man­u­al com­pi­la­tion of the reg­is­ter of revers­ing, with ViSy you need up to 70% less time!

Excerpt from our list of customers

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