Every day, situations arise in which there is no option other than to reverse the utility vehicle. This automatically causes a high risk.
When reversing, the danger zone for all bystanders is expanded. Serious and sometimes fatal accidents occur regularly.
If objects are damaged or people are injured when a reversing or turning maneuver is being performed, or during the emptying procedure, it is primarily the driver who is held responsible.
The operating company must take measures to comply with the occupational safety regulations.
In order to adequately deal with realistic demands on the roads, we have developed a system with which you can keep an eye on potential sources of danger from all sides.
Reliable object detection, using state-of-the-art 3D technology, ensures that the driver – or in case of emergency, the system itself – can intervene in operation of the vehicle in good time.
In order to provide the driver with support, hazard-reducing measures have to be selected which are easy to implement, i.e. operate, and effectively make it easier to complete the tasks. The ViSy system is designed exactly for these needs.
Use an assistance system with state-of-the-art technology as a hazard-reducing measure in you risk assessment.